Large organisations adopt multi-cloud management for better data governance

My long-term forecast is for infrastructure software and cloud services to replace more traditional outsourcing and managed services in the ITC market over time. However in 2019 most large organisations have already experimented with cloud computing as a replacement for running their own systems and are looking to do more. As the initial hype of cloud computing recedes I expect a number of changes. In particular:

  • The introduction of the EU’s GDPR legislation has made a major change and makes having a ‘single version of the truth’ for all databases and necessity as opposed to a ‘nice to have’… and even if you’re not based in the EU you’ll need to become compliant in order to continue to do business with EU customers.
  • Each cloud supplier’s offerings are different from each other, so you’ll need to manage your resources separately for AWS, Azure, Google Cloud, IBM Cloud and each of the others.
  • Ideally you’ll be able to monitor the usage of your resources, making (sometimes ‘on the fly’) decisions to utilise external services to expand at peak usage times, and/or save money by moving processing to cheaper systems, whether you own them or not.

Each cloud service comes with a completely different set of protocols and tools from the ones you’ve been using in-house for your physical and virtualised infrastructure. Using APIs companies such as

  • IBM, Dell EMC and NetApp are already providing data storage management for a widening spread of heterogeneous systems,
  • Vmware has announced a number of partnerships with the leading cloud suppliers to help hypervisor-based virtual applications to bridge the gap between on-premise and cloud platforms, while
  • Docker and others help with the integration of container-based applications.

Whether or not the management software for each environment is good or bad, you’re workload will be more if you have to run each of them separately. In consequence I believe that 2019 will see significant success for suppliers who address and allow multiple environments to be managed in a converged way.

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