ITCandor 2023 predictions – a self-assessment


Before publishing my predictions for 2024, it’s time to appraise those made for this year – which saw the attack by Russia on Ukraine continue and a new war start as Israel devastates Gaza following Hamas’ atrocious terrorist attack. As always, I’ve marked each between 1 and 10 based on their accuracy.
At 67% accuracy this was another poor year for my forecasts; I can perhaps excuse myself by noting that the ‘territorial conflicts between Russia and the Ukraine’ mentioned at the beginning of last year’s predictions escalated into a full-scale invasion.

No. My top 10 predictions Score Comment
1 The total ITC market will fall by 2% as inflation, war and a resurgent pandemic restrict growth 4 It was a poor year for sates with 0% overall growth. COVID-19 infections continue, Russia’s attack on Ukraine continues; while war in the Middle East has flared. Inflation reared up and is now being addressed by many governments.
2 ITC spending in EMEA will grow faster than in Asia Pacific, while that in the Americas continue to outstrip both 4 The Americas will grow by 1%, Asia Pacific by 2% and EMEA by 0% in 2023.
3 Manufacturers and large retailers industry will begin to deploy private 5G infrastructures for machinery, drones and office productivity 8 IoT and 5G solutions began to be widely adopted, although not at the dramatic speed predicted by some.
4 ‘hybrid’ cloud will move from a generic description to a number of specific solutions served by specific vendors and service suppliers 8 Google’s definition is still wide, AWS’s and Azure’s is ‘cloud+on premise’ resources; IBM’s is specific to combinations of its own environments and public clouds.
5 Chinese ITC spending will decline as it fails to manage the resurgent pandemic 7 The market declined by 2% when measured in current dollars; it grew by 3% when measured in Yuan Renminbi.
6 Cyber security spending will increase significantly as hackers exploit the rapidly expanding IoT threat landscape 10 Cyber security grew by around 8% in 2023. Trend Micro and others are addressing the IoT threats well.
7 Cloud services will grow by 6% only, as enterprises spend to connect them securely to on premise production systems 5 IaaS/PaaS look likely to grow by 12%; SaaS by 15% in 2023 – down on 2022, still stronger than I expected.
8 Raw storage will increase as new products with much higher capacity come to market 2 Spending on HDD, NAND and DRAM all decreased significantly in 2023.
9 Consumer products get IoT-ified en masse 8 Watches, home security devices and vehicles led the transformation in 2023.
10 War breaks the global ITC market – better sponsor national/regional component manufacturing 7 War expanded to new theatres; new chip plants and alliances spread to mitigate single points of failure in the global market.

With a score of 63% my predictions were not the greatest of the 15 published here. The most obvious omission was the dramatic rise in the deployment of generative AI solutions by public cloud suppliers – an area I will be addressing in my 2024 ideas.